Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Nothing strikes fear in my heart quite like a forecast of heavy rain and high winds.  Why?  Drivers around here do not slow down for anything as minor as torrential rain.  I have an irrational fear of flooding.  We have a lot of big trees that could crush our house.  Worst of all - even a moderate breeze can knock out our power.  No power means no heat, no hot water, no refrigerator (don't open the door or everything will spoil!) and no means of cooking.

Our forecast today includes not only heavy rain and high winds, but wintry mix, freezing rain, and black ice.  Blech.

I know you are supposed to have emergency supplies for this situation, and I do, but I always struggle to come up with food for this situation.  Most things I can think of need to warmed - soup, canned beans - or need refrigerator accompaniments - tuna, salad.

I settled on peanut butter and crackers, cereal bars and fruit.  I made some banana bread this morning so we can have a treat in our candlelit coldness.  I have some juice boxes and bottled water.

If all else fails, red wine tastes good at room temperature.

Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, warm, dry and well-fed.  Be careful out there today!

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