Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Veg on Vacation

Colonial cheesecake?  Yes, please!

For spring break, the family took a trip to Williamsburg, VA - along with half the population of the eastern seaboard.  Everything was crowded!  I thought finding vegetarian food would be the challenge on this trip; just finding a place to eat was the challenge.  Every place we went there were lines and crowds and wait times measured in hours.  Once we found a restaurant, I managed to find good, meatless food but boy did I have to wait for it.

All except one meal.  We spent a day at Busch Gardens.  The amusement park is divided into themed sections based on different countries - Germany, Italy, France, Britain, Ireland.  These themes extend to the food.  You would think that this would allow a good amount variety in the restaurants and it does, but not when it comes to vegetarian options.  The restaurants were crowded, loud, chaotic and thoroughly unappetizing.  We were miserable.  We finally found a stand with a few quiet tables open and a short line.  I did not care what food they served, as long as I could sit and eat something without someone screaming in my ear.  What did they serve?  Hot dogs in pretzel rolls.  Hot dogs?  In pretzel rolls?  Oh, and there is spicy mustard for dipping?  Sure I can blame the heat, or the crowds, or anything else I want to blame.  Those hot dogs in pretzel rolls were so good.

Even with that small, delicious failure, I am pretty happy about my first (almost) vegetarian vacation.  Now, if I could just stay away from hot dogs.

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