Saturday, June 14, 2014

Grill Update

So the grill is repaired.  Seemed there was a hole in the tube connecting the propane tank to the burners.  We probably came close to dying in a fiery propane explosion but, moving on, we can grill again.

The first thing I grilled this season?  Drum roll - bread!  Don't look so disappointed.  I have to start somewhere in replacing all the meat-based grilled dishes.  I brushed sour-dough bread with olive oil and grilled it for a few minutes on high heat.  I topped the bread with roasted vegetables.  It was like a giant bruschetta.  If bruschetta is good, giant bruschetta is better!

It has been raining most of the week, so I have not had a chance to try anything else.  Maybe I will try portobello mushrooms next, on grilled bread.

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