Friday, September 19, 2014

If It's Not Scottish...

It has been a big week in Scotland.  I have no dog in the independence fight, but I do have some very found memories of Scotland.  Over 25 years ago, my sister and I took a trip through the U.K. with a stop in Edinburgh.  I loved the energy of the city, my sister hated the place.  We did agree that it was tough to find a place to eat.

This was in the days before Yelp or TripAdvisor and at the time, Edinburgh was hardly a hot bed of progressive dining.  Mostly, you could get dinner at a bar.  For two little American girls, bars with signs like "No Football Colors Allowed" and "All Brawlers Will Be Arrested" did not whet our appetites.  We stumbled across a health food cafeteria (remember when it "health food?") and for three nights, went back to same place.  I ate macaroni and cheese every night because it was the only thing on the menu I recognized.  Dessert involved tea and Walker's shortbread.  Not exactly a true taste of Scotland.

I hope to go back.  Armed with more information and a more daring spirit, I think I could get a better idea of what Scottish food and culture is all about.  Take a look at this.  Makes you hungry, right?

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