Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pink Pickles

When we were in Maine, I ate the most amazing lobster taco topped with pickled red onion.  After we got home, I thought this was something I could make.  How hard could it be?  A little vinegar, a little seasoning and some red onion, right?  I started doing a little research.

And fell down the rabbit hole of pickling.

People are passionate about pickles.  I have never been fond of pickles so I never paid much attention.  Types of vegetables, types of vinegar, even types of salt are compared and debated.  How dare you use white vinegar with carrots?  What kind of fool would use red wine vinegar with cucumber?  Only a heathen would mix radishes with anything but rice wine vinegar!  These pickle people scare me.

Though not as much, it seems, as my pickles scare Sarah.

"Mom!  What is that pink thing in the refrigerator?" she asked breathlessly.
"I am trying to pickle red onions, like we had in the restaurant."
"Do I have to eat it?"

I mixed white vinegar, sea salt, white grape juice and pepper for my brine.  They have been sitting a couple days and the flavor so far is good, but it needs more time to develop.  I will let you know how it turns out, and if I can convince Sarah to give it a go.

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