Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gobble, Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving all!

This will be my first turkey-less Thanksgiving and I must admit I am a little nervous.  We always spend the holiday with my sister-in-law, who is an amazing cook.  She has been so sweet about my new dietary restrictions.  She checked with me last week to see what I would and would not eat and is planning a special main dish for me.  I was uncomfortable with the attention at first, but I know she will be much happier knowing I can enjoy a delicious meal and not have to pick around what she normally serves for the holiday meal.  And she promised to have peppermint Oreos!  What more could I want?

So, why I am nervous?  We don't spend a lot of time with my husband's family since they live in another state.  Thanksgiving is our one main visit with them every year.  I don't want to deal with the questions and the comments.  I am terrible at defending myself and I despise confrontation.  Maybe I am worrying unnecessarily.  Maybe no one will notice or make any snide comments and we will just have a pleasant meal.

If not, I will drown my troubles in cookies.

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