Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If Elected, I Promise No Gratuitous Food Shots

Happy Election Day!  This is a great day.  Not only do we get to express democratic principles, but we will now get a break from the incessant phone calls, flyers, political ads and, best of all, shots of candidates eating food they don't like.

The local food stop is a classic campaign photo op.  Whether its cheese steaks in Philadelphia, pizza in Iowa (really?) or pie in New Hampshire, candidates roll into some local eatery famous for hosting candidates, take a bite of the specialty of the house for the cameras, and move on to the next event.

This whole things bothers me on so many levels.  First, I feel bad for all the unsuspecting patrons in the restaurant.  Sometimes they are vetted supporters who want nothing more than to watch their political hero lick an ice cream cone, but most of the time they look ordinary folk just trying to enjoy their morning cup of joe.  Second, what if the candidate doesn't like rhubarb pie or pineapple pizza or bison burger?  Too bad - just chew and smile.  Are there no vegetarians running for office?  Worst of all, the waste.  You know that cook made something really special when he got the call that the candidate and all the press would be showing up at his establishment.  Does anyone sit down and enjoy the meal the way it was intended?  Of course not!  They shovel a couple of bites, make sure the cameras were rolling, and leave.  All that hard work, heading for the trash can.

If I ever run for office (which will be never, but still I think about these things) I will have to find some other photo op.  I won't eat the steak, I don't like pie, and I cannot imagine what they do to pizza in Iowa.

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