Friday, October 10, 2014

You Say It's Your Birthday

My birthday is this week.  Growing up, we had a tradition.  The birthday girl got to choose either the dinner my mother would cook or the restaurant we would go to.  I have continued this tradition with my family.  Sarah and Matt love going out to eat, so for their birthdays we have fun dinners out.  I much prefer eating at home, but here is where this system breaks down.

I am the primary cook for the family, so I end up cooking my own birthday dinner.  I don't mind cooking dinner; I do it nearly every night.  But somehow cooking my own birthday dinner takes some of the charm out of the tradition.  Matt can cook and has cooked many a dinner, but his repertoire is all meat-based (meatballs, chili, ribs) and while all that stuff is delicious, it is not how I want to eat now.  On top of that, my birthday fell in the middle of the week.  Matt works crazy hours, so unless I wanted to eat at 10 pm, I was cooking dinner.

I made pancakes.  I decided it only made sense to continue one childhood tradition with another - breakfast for dinner!

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