Monday, January 27, 2014

Caught Between a Wrap and a Pizza Place

My daughter went to a birthday party on Saturday.  It involved some driving for most of the kids going, so the parents of the birthday girl were kind enough to set up an area for the parents.  The food table offered some sandwiches and fruit.  The sandwiches looked lovely and it was lunch time, but not a vegetarian choice to be had.  A little later, they brought out pizza for the kids.  So my choices were: eat nothing, eat a healthy meat-based wrap, or eat unhealthy but vegetarian pizza.  What kind of choice is that?  Sure I could have taken apart a couple of sandwiches and made a new one with the vegetables and cheese, but who does that?  I don't want to be one of those people who makes a scence when they is "nothing they can eat."  I would not insult my hosts that way when they were kind enough to offer anything.  I could just not eat, but it was a long time and I was hungry.

So I ate half a wrap and half a slice of pizza.  The worst of both worlds.

I am suppose to be eating healthier and making better choices with food.  I feel like that is not happening, not yet.  Sure chips & salsa are vegetarian, but some lean turkey has to be the better choice. More things to think about.

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