Saturday, January 18, 2014

If You Give a Vegetarian a Roast Beef Sandwich

I have been reading back issues of Vegetarian Times and each issue includes a "Happy Vegiversary" telling the story of a reader who is motivated enough to apply to appear in the magazine.  See, even vegetarians want their 15 minutes, and they come up with stupid words.  The first question is "What motivated you to go veg?"  All the answers seem to be some variation on "I made friends with a duck and never ate meat again."  Really?  NEVER again?  Well, three weeks in, and I ate half a roast beef sandwich.

Sarah brought it home (as I mentioned before, the family is not giving up meat entirely) and left it in the refrigerator.  I could have thrown it out - but how can you throw out a perfectly good sandwich?  Isn't throwing out meat more wasteful than eating it?  I was so hungry and I could not muster the energy to chop or peel or cook or even think of another thing I could eat.  Thin sliced roast beef on fresh chiabatta bread with just a dusting of kosher salt.

Now I am suppose to say that it tasted terrible, or I felt sick to my stomach, or the guilt overwhelmed me, or I will never ever do such a horrible thing again.  Yeah, no.  It tasted so good.

Regardless, I still believe going vegetarian is worth the effort so I will try again.

Here is a picture of a scary goat to remind me of how angry the animals will be with me.  You are worried about the machines taking over?  Planet of the Apes is way scarier than Terminator.

Run!  Save yourself!

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