Monday, February 24, 2014

Rings Around the Kitchen

I love the Olympics - the overblown pageantry, the orchestrated music, the tearjerker back stories, the manufactured drama.  I don't stick around for just the figure skating either.  I watch biathlon and skeleton and curling.  For the past two weeks, I was in live-streaming snow sport heaven.  Part of the Olympic tradition in our house is cooking food from the host country.  For the past several Games this was easy:  London - fish & chips, Vancouver - steak, Beijing - stir fry, Torino - pizza wrapped in a shroud (just kidding, I wrapped myself in the sheet).  Sochi proved a bigger problem.  What do I know about Russian food?  Vodka and caviar.

So I did a little research.  What about borshch?  Beets, bleh.  I don't like a vegetable that bleeds all over the plate.  I found a recipe for mushroom stroganoff.  It was vegetarian but loaded with sour cream, too rich.  Blini?  Pirozhki?  Pelmeni?  Cabbage?  Too heavy, too complicated, too meaty and too smelly.  What is the Russian word for failure?

Tea!  Turns out, Russians love their tea.  So I made a cup of tea and watched some speed skating.  I think the US team could use a shot of vodka.

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