Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tofu You

Tofu or dish sponge?

"What are your feelings on tofu?" I asked my family as I pored over the stack of cookbooks from the library.
"Neutral," Matt answered.
"Bleh!" Sarah answered.
Lucy did not answer.  She turned her head and stared at me, hoping I was offering her a treat.

"Well, we are going to give it a try.  Do want keep eating beans every night?"
"I'm okay with that," Matt answered.
"Bleh!" Sarah answered.

First, I made a tofu cacciatore.  Everyone agreed it was not very good.  "It needs chicken," Sarah suggested.

Then I tried a tofu mousse.  I did not even show that to the family.  The texture resembled wet paper towels.  Then, I used the leftover for an orange-glazed tofu with broccoli.  There was just enough for me, so I saved it for lunch.  Well, at least the broccoli part tasted good.

I guess I will try some different brands or types of tofu, but so far I am not enjoying it.  All the cookbooks claim tofu is so versatile.  "It has no flavor if its own so you can do anything with it!"  To which I say, why do I want to eat something that has no flavor?

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