Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You Know What Would Taste Good in Here - Spinach

I tried a recipe for chickpea tikka masala.  When we tried the result, my family and I decided it needed something.

"Salt?" Sarah suggested.
"Maybe some raisins?" Matt offered.

We added both and ate some more.  I got an idea. "You know what would taste good in here? Spinach."

"No, not spinach."  Matt answered flatly.
"Why not?" I asked.  "Don't you like spinach."
"I like spinach, just not in everything," he answered.
"I do not put spinach in everything," I grumbled.

Matt didn't answer.  He gave a look.  Every husband has this look.  It is the one that says "I know you're wrong, but I like being married to you, so I am keeping my mouth shut."  We finished dinner.

I thought back on what we had been eating the past couple of weeks.  We had lentil soup, with spinach.   I made a strata, with spinach.  I tried a Moroccan stew, with spinach.  Gnocchi soup - I substituted the unavailable escarole with spinach.  Vegetable calzones with tomato, peppers and ... spinach.  I used spinach instead of lettuce on sandwiches.  I ordered spinach on my pizza.  Good God, I was in full-blown Popeye mode!  Pretty soon, my biceps will start bulging and I will feel the need to rescue some super-skinny brunette.

Okay, Matt is right, I thought.  I will try and lay off the spinach for a few days.  Maybe I will try some kale.

The next day, I warmed up a bowl of the leftovers for lunch.  I added a little salt and some frozen spinach.  I tasted much better.

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